Thursday, September 20, 2012

Testing, testing

We've been testing Uncle Otto's Vault quite a bit recently and the first 6 scenarios are nailed down pretty well.  Right now I have ideas for at least 10 scenarios and should  be able to add more fairly easily.  The scenarios add variety and re-playability... sometimes more strategic and other times more chaotic.  Here is a sheet of the first 4:

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Getting ready for RinCon 2012

RinCon 2012 is coming fast (9/28 through 9/30) and I'm hoping to get in some good demos of my latest design:  Uncle Otto's Vault

I'm currently scheduled for 8:00 PM on Saturday, and may be able to squeeze in some games here and there throughout the weekend.  My wife (Lisa) and I have been playing it quite a bit recently to test out several new scenario cards and to iron out the 2-player rules.  The game is geared toward 3+ players, but the 2-player rules have been working quite well.  We've also added 10 more dice, for a total of 30, and the game should be able to easily support up to 6 players.  Another key addition are the Loot and Scoot cards that make it easier for players to show their vote.  

I've really enjoyed working on this version and with the new dice distribution (Below - New2), the "push your luck" element feels pretty solid:

Larger image here:

If you are going to RinCon 2012, look for this sign and I'd love to play a game or two with you:

Larger image here:

Back In The Saddle

I started this blog back in 2009 and pretty much left it alone.  Much has happened since then and I'm hoping to get back to semi-regularly updating it.

Meanwhile, here are several previous entries I've posted on BGG: